I love you Universe, but Mercury Retrograde, you can go F right off.
I don't know why the last couple of weeks have been particularly challenging; unhappy subscription box customers, an endless flood of emails that suffer because I cannot find the time of day to sit down and comb through each one. On days like this, I don't know what I am even doing or what it's worth. I am sacrificing every spare minute and dollar that I earn, to keep this business fueled, but I really don't know what I want my future to look like. My own house and a hot butler, sure. But what about the Pleasure Parlor? Sometimes I don't know if I'll ever know.
Anyways, I was sifting through my inbox a few minutes ago, looking for one particular email I really need to respond to. I stumbled upon a message that came in from my website, which I didn't notice before. I thought it was going to be a "product reviewer" who was going to request a free subscription box to feature on their "social media", but it wasn't.
This is what it said:
Hi there,
I follow your page on social media and love it!!!!
Empowerment for me for ladies is so important and so is our sexual energy and empowerment!
I run ladies networking events from my restaurant in Liverpool and wondered if you would be interested in getting involved??? It's a huge glamorous brunch fuelled by champagne so ladies can make fab business relationships, long lasting friendships and have a little party at the same time!
I have messaged you on social media but had no response so thought I would message you on here. Please check out my social media and see if it is something you would interested in. The restaurant is called Verdant, Allerton and the networking society is Sparkle Networking.
Look forward to hearing from you!
I don't know if it was her persistence, sheer enthusiasm, or the fact that she is executin my dream of being a networking #kween (if I weren't doing this), but I was so impressed with her taking the time to reach out, all the way from the UK, to say this to me.
It made all of the 3am nights packing boxes, cranky customers, tears over website formatting, stressing because I couldn't find the time to post an Instagram photo during the day, loss of sleep, overwhelm and frustration...it made it all okay. Reading these words made all of that stress just go away. It's going to be ok.
As I wrote her back, I visualized being at one of her brunches in Liverpool, looking around the restaurant and just feeling super humbled and awestruck that we made this happen. (Thanks, Internet!) That other women are making this happen, all around the globe.
I have been weary as hell lately, trying hard to commit to personal development every single day, and the improvement of this brand, but have felt so defeated. This is exactly what I needed.
See you soon, Sparkle Networking Society.