In Blowpaste We Trust!
“My goal is to enhance relationships and bring sparkle and fun into the bedroom.”
The day we got our very first shipment of Blowpaste!
I discovered Blowpaste randomly on Instagram several months ago, and am so happy to have found it! The brand is brilliant without being gimmicky, and the Owner/Founder Jasmine is a truly wonderful human. This small business is operated by a femme-identified individual, the product is created with intention and love, and it promotes safe sex and good hygiene (!). To say Blowpaste is a perfect fit for The Pleasure Parlor is an understatement. This lube is a head-turning best seller at our pop-up shop, and we love sharing it with our subscription box clients. It is only fitting that we showcase Blowpaste today on March 14, PI Day//Steak & BJ Day AKA #ORGASMEQUALITYDAY. (Make it a thing, y'all!)
Our contributing writer, Alice Rona, caught up with Jasmine and picked her brain on Blowpaste, life, and orgasm equality in the interview below. Enjoy!
This past week, I had the opportunity to chat with Jasmine T., the badass, self-made businesswoman behind the progressive (and tasty) lubricant Blowpaste. If you aren’t familiar with her creation, Blowpaste is a water-based, gluten free, vegan lubricant that (I kid you not) whitens your teeth! Jasmine is a brilliant sex-positive woman whose business helps facilitate delicious and fulfilling sexual experiences, while whitening your teeth, what more could you ask for? In an industry full of lubricant chocked full of unsafe ingredients, Blowpaste offers a healthy, ethical and effective alternative.
Alice: Thank you so much for joining me! Tell me about yourself! What is your professional background, and what inspired you to create Blowpaste?
Jasmine: I’m a California girl that grew up in Oxnard; born to Filipino immigrant parents. My father was in the Coast Guard (he encouraged me to be brave and was the best dancer I ever knew!) and my mother, who was also half Chinese, was a nurse (she encouraged my curiosity- she let me collect bugs and I also had a microscope growing up). They instilled discipline and hard work ethic, and supported my dreams of ballet. I graduated from UC Irvine with a BA in dance. I’ve had the pleasure of performing around the world, including working with Celine Dion and Elton John. Whether it's musical, ballet, Bollywood film, or a TV spot -- to touring with the circus -- I’ve had amazing opportunities to inspire and uplift audiences in many different ways. I also have my Master’s in Education and Thai massage license from Thailand. I want to help others through health, fitness, and love. I look at Blowpaste as love in a product form; my goal is to enhance relationships and bring sparkle and fun into the bedroom. I had the idea for many years after playing with flavored lubricants. Being someone who cared about my teeth, I decided to create a lubricant that was good for oral hygiene but wasn’t overly sweet; a substance that enhanced flesh. Thus, I invented Blowpaste! The only lube in the world in the world that was good for your teeth to eliminate the post brush after you do the deed so you can fall asleep in your lover’s arms.
A: Outside of business, what are you passionate about?
J: I believe in health, fitness, a balanced life, equality and inclusion. I am constantly working on myself, trying to grow, learn, and change with the times. I believe in love and respect for all genders, backgrounds. I believe in equality and inclusion. I believe taking the time to smell the flowers and opening your heart to possibility.
A: What do you think people need to know about personal lubricants that they might not know?
J: Just like trying on shoes (there are so many kinds for so many events!), you must find the right lube that works for you. What never occurred to me before, is if one suffered from dry skin or going through medications, how that can have a drying effect on your overall body.
A: What was the sex education you got in school like? Were you taught how to find the right lube as a young woman?
J: My sex education was nil. In junior high school, our parents signed a waiver that allowed us to watch old videos that explained intercourse. What I remember was feeling really embarrassed watching an old video. Honestly, I think I daydreamed through most of it. Lube was never a topic of discussion.
A: Blowpaste is water-based, cruelty free, gluten free and vegan. Do most lubes not incorporate these elements? Does that impact the overall effectiveness and safety?
J: There are many successful lubricants that have been out for many years that are not vegan. For example, one brand may profit from the work of honeybees, and another may contain lactoperoxidase, an enzyme that is dairy-derived. I am not here to criticize companies- this is the information that is out there. I created Blowpaste as a cruelty-free option for the world to try, and especially for my vegan lovers.
A: How is Blowpaste celebrating Steak & BJ Day today?
J: We are celebrating at the Laugh Factory! Blowpaste is a proud sponsor of Comedy Pop -- we perform at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood and Long Beach! Additionally, we will be selling our most recent release, the Best BJ Kit, which is a really fun and unique couples kit!
A: What comes in the Best BJ Kit? Who did you collaborate with to create the mini BJ booklet that is included?
J: Our BJ Kit includes the exclusive “How to Be a Blow Pro” guide featuring smutty artwork by Jack Sexto, cock rings by Male Trunk, and of course, a delicious tube of Blowpaste!
A: What does orgasm equality mean to you, and how do you see it evolving in the future?
J: With all of the recent female-driven campaigns showcasing women coming out and speaking up about the past, present, and future, I’m hoping it sparks a ripple effect. Women around the world should feel confident and comfortable about themselves to tell their partner what they need so they can feel satisfied in their love. Lovemaking is so intimate, and communication is so important. I want women to know their self-worth and value. I hope that partners are able to listen and reciprocate this love. In order to give, you must receive. I wish for less shame. I also hope that it helps increase funding for women’s health insurance.
A: What is your advice to other women hustling hard to start a small business?
J: Don’t give up. The first year will be challenging. Have a support team, mentors. Learn as much as you can. If it doesn’t work, try something else. Failure can also be a happy accident. Start building your network. Have a plan.
A: What is your big-picture goal/dream for Blowpaste?
J: To be in major distribution worldwide.
Alice: I experimented with Blowpaste both with a partner and during solo play, and have to say it is awesome! Normally I don’t feel comfortable with edible and/or flavored lubricants, but that changed when I tasted Blowpaste (I tried Orangasmic). It tastes like an orange Tic Tac (!) and has a very light and subtle texture which makes it perfect for oral sex and penetration. Whether you are:
- An aspiring entrepreneur
- Trying to find your voice in the workplace
- A multi-tasker who loves a dual-purposed product, or
- Someone who appreciates the work of a driven femme-identified individual
...we all can find inspiration from Jasmine’s perspective on business and life. Thank you so much, Jasmine! You have made a lasting impression on our hearts and in our mouths. Get it, girl!
Follow Blowpaste on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter or visit the website!